- Discipline
- Mother-daughter share, Pony Club and All-Rounder
- Description
- Introducing Bella.
14hh 9 year old Halflinger cross.
Ideal mother daughter share, fun teenager, small adult.
Bella is a joy to have around, she is an experienced PC pony having done mounted games, SJ, XC and dressage with a teenage girl in her last home.
She is not suitable for a novice or nervous rider and she is a forward little thing and enjoys her job. She can be strong but does have breaks. Doesn’t buck rear or bolt. She can throw a stop in at a fence if you aren’t riding her properly or overcheck her, she’s the sort that will teach a child to ride properly.
Will stable but does door kick, prefers to live out. Good to catch, bath,rug etc. Loads well in a lorry, takes some time in a trailer. Travels well.
Will actually fall into a beautiful soft outline with a knowledgeable rider and is incredibly flashy to look at.
Hacks alone and in company, can be a little “sticky” the first 5 mins hacking alone but will go on with a push.
Good in open spaces, good cantering behind in a group, good out on the roads.
Doesn’t bite or kick. Is trained to kiss for treats so will occasionally shove a nose in your face unwarranted 😂
No health issues.
Witsend livery and sales